Friday, January 30, 2015

Star Student

Rock Star Student of the Month for January     
Congratulations to Daniel!

Here are just a few things about our Star Student of the Month:
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Subject: Math  
Favorite Book: Big Nate
Favorite Color: red
Favorite TV Show: Teen Titans Go  
Favorite Thing to Do: Play Soccer  
Favorite Restaurant: I don’t have one
Favorite Team: Alabama  
What he wants to be when he grows up: Basketball Player
Favorite 3rd Grade Moment So Far: Everyone Being Nice to me!

Be on the lookout for our next star student next month! 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Rotary Reader

We enjoyed listening to Ms. Brooks from the Rotary Club.  She came and read to us “The Wednesday Surprise.” Afterwards, students were able to take the AR test on this book.

Thanks Ms. Brooks and the Rotary Club! 

Solar System Projects

Students did an AMAZING job on their Solar System Projects!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Science Project

The Solar System- Shoe Box Diorama
*Science: Extra Credit 50 points*
ü empty shoe box
ü clay or plain foam balls that can be colored
ü paint or markers (if using foam balls)
ü string
ü construction paper
ü aluminum foil crumbled into tiny pieces
ü glue
ü scissors
Use your materials to create our solar system in your shoe box!

Shoe Box= the universe
clay or colored foam balls= our planets, Earth’s moon and the Sun
construction paper= the atmosphere
aluminum foil balls= stars
string= the orbits (path each planet takes around the Sun)

·       Be neat, creative and accurate.
·       Make sure the planets are the correct color and size proportion
to each other and the Sun.
·       Do not forget to include rings on the planets that have them.
·       Start with the Sun. Next, the closest planet to the Sun. Then,
the next closet planet to the Sun and so forth.
·       Paste the construction paper inside the shoe box before placing the planets.
·       If it seems too tight to fit, find a way to combine two empty
shoe boxes (of the same size).
·       Although this assignment is optional, it is STRONGLY recommended J
·       Visit to see some examples from last year!! 

** If there are any questions, please ask!

Project is due no later than,
Wednesday, January 28 2015.

**Counts as a BONUS Major Science Test Grade!**

Monday, January 5, 2015


Welcome back!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your family and friends!

Here is a look at the things coming up this month.

Tuesday, January 6- Students return to school
Friday, January 9- Math NOBT Test (Rounding)
Monday, January 12- Reading Unit 4.1 Test
Monday, January 12- 2nd Nine Weeks Report Cards
Monday, January 19- Holiday 
Monday, January 26- 2nd Nine Weeks Honor Roll Ceremony
3rd grade- 9 a.m.
Friday, January 30- 2nd Nine Weeks All A’s Field Trip

** Please remember to check your child’s planner, our class newsletter, and this blog for updates and/or changes. **