Friday, September 14, 2012

Social Studies and Science

We have been busy!
Last week we finished our first chapter in Science and Social Studies. We learned about the different types of communities in Social Studies. In Science, we learned about plants. The students did a great job and had a fun time learning lots of new things!

The students brought in leaves and the class classified them.
Some of the communites we made in class.
One group's urban community.
This week we started with two new units. In Science, we will be learning about animals and in Social Studies, we will complete a unit on map skills. We have already learned a lot and we have completed several fun activities that go along with each unit. We still have some fun activities to do and a lot more to learn!
We made backbones.
We learned about the continents and oceans. 

We learned about the compass rose and everyone got to make one.

*Labeling the Map Test will be Thursday, September 20.
*Map Skills Test will be Tuesday, September 25.
*Animals Test will be on Tuesday, September 25.
(Check planners or newsletters for any changes in test dates.)

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