Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Veterans Day

On Friday in Social Studies, we studied Veterans Day.  We look at what a Veteran is, what Veterans Day is, why we celebrate it, and the history behind it. Mrs. Taff read to us the book America’s White Table.

The white table is set up at military functions and events to honor our Veterans.  It specifically honors those who are POW and MIA. We set up a table in our classroom to honor those who serve our country.

Each item is symbolic.
Small table – to show one soldier’s lonely battle against many.
White table cloth – honors a soldier’s pure heart when he answers his country’s call to duty.
Lemon slice and grains of salt – bitter fate and tears of families waiting for the soldier’s return
Empty chair – for the missing soldiers who aren’t here
black napkin – sorrow of captivity
glass turned over – for the meal that won’t be eaten
white candle – peace
red rose and red ribbon – hope that all the missing will return someday

Happy Veteran’s Day!

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