Friday, January 31, 2014

Snow Days

Due to the winter weather, we had two and half snow days this week. 

Today was our first day back after the snow break. So students wrote about how they spent their snow days. They all were able to share their stories of sledding and snowball fights. 

            Have a great weekend! 

100th Day of School

Tuesday was the 100th Day of School. Due to the incoming winter weather, we had a half day and were only able to do a few fun things. 

First, we worked with Mrs. Taff's class to come up with 100 different ways to make 100. The students did a really good job and cane up with some great problems. 

Then students wrote about their favorite thing we've done so far this year or their favorite thing about school. P.E. and lunch were the top two favorites! 

We also started another project with Mrs. Taff's class. In honor of the 100th day of 3rd grade and Valentine's Day, we have set a goal to to complete 100 acts of kindness by Valentine's Day.  The students are really excited about this project. I am looking forward to honoring their kindness. I know we can surpass this goal. Check back on Valentine's Day to see if we reach our goal!

We had a great (quick) day celebrating the 100th day of 3rd grade. I am truly honored to teach each one my students. They are each extra special children to me.  We have had a wonderful year so far learning lots and still having fun.  We still have lots more to learn.  I am looking forward to the remaining part of this year. I know we will learn lots and have lots of fun. 

      Happy 100th Day of 3rd Grade! 


Friday, January 24, 2014

Stone Soup

We finished up our Stone Soup unit today by making our own version of stone soup! Students brought their favorite ingredient to add to the soup. It was so yummy! They loved it. 

Student Powerpoints

Last week, students worked with a partner to research and create powerpoints on important events in history.  This was our third time doing this kind of project and the students did an outstanding job! The projects keep getting better and better.  I am already looking forward to the next project we get to do!

Barn Hill Preserve

Last week people from Barn Hill Preserve came out to show us several wild animals.  We saw porcupines, tortoises, baby kangaroos, burmese, pythons, and more.   We learned lots of facts about these amazing animals.  The kids really enjoyed this special treat! Thanks to the wonderful people at Barn HillPreserve!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Science Fair

**The following letter went home with students today.  Check back here later for more updates and pictures.**

Phenix City Elementary School Science Fair

Dear Parents,

PCES will be holding a Science fair in February.  We will be working in groups of three and conducting our experiments in class.  Students will also be putting together a display board to explain their experiment.  This is a major project and will count as a major test grade.  The primary objective is for students to collaborate together to approach a problem scientifically.  This includes:
1.    Asking questions and forming a hypothesis
2.   Creating experiments to test those hypotheses
3.   Organizing data and drawing conclusions
4.   Summary of the findings
5.   Creating a science fair display
6.   Writing a report on the science experiment

Student groups will choose and conduct their experiment in class; the materials they need will be provided.

Thank you,

Second Nine Weeks Honor Roll

Congratulations to the second nine weeks honor roll students!

All A’s


A’s & B’s

Savannah, Paige, Johniyah, Demarte, Gregory

Students who reached or exceed his/her AR goal!

Savannah, Paige, Johniyah, Derrick, Jacob, Shatoya, Tyler, Gregory, and Dexter. 

**Extra Special Congratulations to Savannah for being the Top Reader in the 3rd grade!**

Monday, January 6, 2014


Here is a list of things coming up in January.
*Please remember to check your student’s planner and newsletter for changes or additional information.*

Monday, January 6:  Back to School!
Thursday, January 9: End of 2nd Nine Weeks
Friday, January 10: 3.5 Reading & Spelling Test
Tuesday, January 14: Saxon Assessment #14
Wednesday, January 15: Social Studies Chapter 6 Test
Thursday, January 16: Report Cards
Monday, January 20: HOLIDAY!
Wednesday, January 22: Science Chapter 8 Test
Thursday, January 23: PTO
Friday, January 31:  STUDENT HOLIDAY!

Have a great month!!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break.  I hope you enjoyed the time off with your children.

To start the week off right, here are some pictures from the last few days before Christmas break!

Have a great week! (Keep warm!)