Friday, January 31, 2014

100th Day of School

Tuesday was the 100th Day of School. Due to the incoming winter weather, we had a half day and were only able to do a few fun things. 

First, we worked with Mrs. Taff's class to come up with 100 different ways to make 100. The students did a really good job and cane up with some great problems. 

Then students wrote about their favorite thing we've done so far this year or their favorite thing about school. P.E. and lunch were the top two favorites! 

We also started another project with Mrs. Taff's class. In honor of the 100th day of 3rd grade and Valentine's Day, we have set a goal to to complete 100 acts of kindness by Valentine's Day.  The students are really excited about this project. I am looking forward to honoring their kindness. I know we can surpass this goal. Check back on Valentine's Day to see if we reach our goal!

We had a great (quick) day celebrating the 100th day of 3rd grade. I am truly honored to teach each one my students. They are each extra special children to me.  We have had a wonderful year so far learning lots and still having fun.  We still have lots more to learn.  I am looking forward to the remaining part of this year. I know we will learn lots and have lots of fun. 

      Happy 100th Day of 3rd Grade! 


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