Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Science: Bonus Project

The Solar System- Shoe Box Diorama
*Science: Extra Credit 50 points*

ü empty shoe box
ü clay or plain foam balls that can be colored
ü paint or markers (if using foam balls)
ü string
ü construction paper
ü aluminum foil crumbled into tiny pieces
ü glue
ü scissors
Use your materials to create our solar system in your shoe box!

Shoe Box= the universe
clay or colored foam balls= our planets, Earth’s moon and the Sun
construction paper= the atmosphere
aluminum foil balls= stars
string= the orbits (path each planet takes around the Sun)

·       Be neat, creative and accurate.
·       Make sure the planets are the correct color and size proportion to each other and the Sun.
·       Do not forget to include rings on the planets that have them.
·       Start with the Sun. Next, the closest planet to the Sun. Then, the next closet planet to the Sun and so forth.
·       Paste the construction paper inside the shoe box before placing the planets.
·       If it seems too tight to fit, find a way to combine two empty shoe boxes (of the same size).
·       Although this assignment is optional, it is STRONGLY recommended J

** If there are any questions, please ask!

Project is due no later than, Friday, February 28.

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