Thursday, April 17, 2014

Student Projects

Today we present our Unit 5 Projects on Energy Sources.  Students did an AMAZING job!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Timeline Projects

Students did an excellent job on their timeline projects.  I enjoyed having a look into their past.  I was very proud of all of their hard work!


Author Visit

 Author Michael Finklea visited our school last Thursday.  He talked with students about what it takes to have a book published.  He also encouraged students to keep trying and not give up after one try. It took him nine attempts to get his first book published.  After speaking with the classes, students were able to purchase a book and have Mr. Finklea autograph it. 


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This Week...

We have a lot going on this week.  Here are some reminders.

·        Wednesday, April 9: Timeline Projects are due.  *Please remember this project is worth two test grades!
·        Wednesday, April 9: Last day to order PCElympics t-shirts. ($10)
·        Thursday, April 10: Author Michael Finklea will visit PCES.  Students may purchase one of his books for $7 and then have it autographed.
·        Friday, April 11:  Spring Fling- Wristbands are $5 and tickets are $0.50 a piece.
·        Friday, April 11: Unit 5 Week 5 Tic-Tac-Toe due. Unit 5 Week 5 Spelling and Reading Test.
·        We are also having a basket raffle for Relay for Life.  Students may purchase changes for $.50 a piece between now and April 17.

Have a great week!