Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This Week...

We have a lot going on this week.  Here are some reminders.

·        Wednesday, April 9: Timeline Projects are due.  *Please remember this project is worth two test grades!
·        Wednesday, April 9: Last day to order PCElympics t-shirts. ($10)
·        Thursday, April 10: Author Michael Finklea will visit PCES.  Students may purchase one of his books for $7 and then have it autographed.
·        Friday, April 11:  Spring Fling- Wristbands are $5 and tickets are $0.50 a piece.
·        Friday, April 11: Unit 5 Week 5 Tic-Tac-Toe due. Unit 5 Week 5 Spelling and Reading Test.
·        We are also having a basket raffle for Relay for Life.  Students may purchase changes for $.50 a piece between now and April 17.

Have a great week!

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