Saturday, November 1, 2014


Whew! What a busy but fun month October was.  November is here and let’s get ready for the holiday season.  Here is a look at some things going on this month.  As always, please remember to check back here, your child’s planner, and our class newsletter for updates or changes.

Monday, November 3- All field trip money and permission slips due. ($4)
Thursday, November 6- PE Black Light Bash ($2)
Friday, November 7- Ft. Beginning Field Trip
Tuesday, November 11- Veteran’s Day Holiday
Thursday, November 13- Veteran’s Day Program (6 p.m. at CHS)
Wednesday, November 26- Friday, November 28- Thanksgiving HOLIDAYS!

Just a few reminders:
·        Yearbooks are on sale for $18.  They will go up to $20 in January.
·        We are still collecting Box Tops for Education.
·        We are still collecting can taps for the Ronald McDonald House.

Have a wonderful month!

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