Monday, October 1, 2012

Star Student of the Month

Star Student of the Month

The student voted Makenzie as our star student of the month. They were told to vote for someone who was star worthy. They were told to think of someone from our class who was loyal, fair, kind, and a great friend.  They were told to vote on someone who was a great example of what a third grader should be.

Congratulations to Makenzie!!

Here are just a few things about our Star Student of the Month:

Favorite Food: Cheese Pizza
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Book: Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite TV Show: Sweet Life on Deck
Favorite Thing to Do: Play Doll House
Favorite Singer: Miley Cyrus
Favorite Place to Eat Out: Burger King
Favorite Teams: CHS Red Devils & Auburn Tigers
What she wants to be when she grows up: Veterinarian  
Favorite 3rd Grade Moment So Far: Meeting my Teacher  

Be on the lookout for our next star student next month!

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