Monday, October 15, 2012

This Week!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are enjoying your day off today!
Don’t forget to read!!

Here are just a few reminders about this week:
·         Lesson 7 Test (Aero and Office Mike) will be Thursday, October 18.
·         We will continue to review our multiplication facts 0-5. We will begin our weekly test again next week with 6’s.
·         Tuesday, October 23 is the last grading period for the first nine weeks.  This is the last day to earn AR points for your first nine weeks goal.
·         Our school is collecting items for local homeless agencies. Some items that you may wish to donate are toothbrushes, comb, brush, Kleenex, lip protection, lotion, pens, soap, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, or toilet paper.  The grade level that brings in the most items by Friday will be given free time.

Have a great week!!

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