Sunday, May 5, 2013

ARMT Testing

Tomorrow we will begin our state ARMT testing.  Our class has been preparing for these tests all year.  Please encourage your student to do his/her best on all parts of the test. 
Here are just a few things for you to remember:
·         The school doors will close and be locked each day from 8:30-12. If your child is late, they will not be admitted until after 12.
·         If your child is late or absent and misses a test, the y will have to make it up.  So please try to have them here and on time every day.
·         The school will be testing from May 6-May 13.  Our Class will be testing from May 7- May 10.
·         Please make sure your student gets plenty of rest before the test and encourage them to do their best!!
·        Our testing schedule is
o    Tuesday, May 7: ARMT+: Reading (Part 1)
o   Wednesday, May 8: ARMT+: Reading (Part 2)
o   Thursday, May 9: ARMT+: Math (Part 1)
o   Friday, May 10: ARMT+: Math (Part 2)

Thanks and have a GREAT week!! 

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