Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Can you believe it?? We only have 23 days left in this school year!! May is a VERY busy month.  Here is a list of the things we have going on. Please check your students’ planner and newsletter for any changes. Have a great month!! 

Wednesday, May 1: Providence Canyon Field Trip ($5) *This is only for those students who benchmarked on our final DIBELS testing.
Friday, May 3: Lesson 28: The Science Fair reading and spelling test
May 6-May 14: Alabama Reading and Math Test
          Tuesday, May 7: ARMT+: Reading (Part 1)
          Wednesday, May 8: ARMT+: Reading (Part 2)
       Thursday, May 9: ARMT+: Math (Part 1)
          Friday, May 10: ARMT+: Math (Part 2)
Monday, May 6: Math Assessment 25
Friday, May 10: Lesson 29 reading and spelling test
Monday, May 13: Yearbooks distributed ($20)
Tuesday, May 14: Math Assessment 26
Tuesday, May 14: Yearbook Party (*Students must have purchased a yearbook to go.)
Wednesday, May 15: Play at CHS
Wednesday, May 15: Last Day for AR goal
Thursday, May 16: Atlanta Aquarium Field Trip
Friday, May 17: Field Day
Wednesday, May 22: 3rd grade Awards Ceremony @1
Wednesday, May 22: Class Party and Awards
Thursday, May 23: Last Day of Class for Students
Friday, May 24: SUMMER BEGINS!! 


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