Thursday, September 12, 2013


  **The following letter was sent home with students today!  **

Multiplication is a HUGE part of third grade mathematics.  Our goal is for your student to become accurate and automatic with their facts, 0-12.  Mastery is vital to your child’s mathematical success.  Knowledge of these facts will affect them as they learn and work with decimals, division, fractions, word problems, and more!  I will give each student a multiplication chart with all of the facts, and we will be making flash cards each week in class, please practice these EVERY DAY!!!  You can take these cards with you and practice them wherever you go:  in the car, at the doctor, while cooking supper, before bed, during TV commercials, etc.

We will be working on 1 set per week.  The students will take timed tests daily.  These will not count as a grade.  Every FRIDAY we will take a timed test that will be graded.  Students will have 2 minutes to complete 33 problems.  We will go in order through the facts, but you can keep up with which facts we are on in the planners, on our newsletter, and on the blog. Next week, we will begin with 0’s and 1’s.  Our first test will be on Friday, September 20

In addition, later in the year students will be required to complete a math program on the computer called Math Facts in a Flash.  This is timed multiplication drills.  We will not begin this program until a later date, but students will have time in class to work on this.

Once students have mastered all of their facts, 0-12, they will be invited to a free ice cream party!  Thanks for helping us work on this, and all of your support!

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