Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11th


Today was the twelfth anniversary of September 11th. We took time as a class to look back on this day and to remember those who lost their lives. 

Yesterday, I gave the students a homework assignment. The assignment  was for each student to interview one adult about September 11th. They were to ask someone what they remembered about that day, where were they, how did they feel, and anything else that was important about that day. I was amazed at the great job each child did. Today as a class we discussed the day and then I let them share some of the thing they had learned from their interviews. They all did an amazing job. We also talked about remembering those who lost their lives, families who lost someone, and also those who were or are serving our country. 

Parents, thank you for your help with this and thanks for all you do! 

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