Thursday, March 20, 2014

PCElympics T-shirts

The time is quickly approaching for our annual PCElympics! All our competitions will be held during your child’s PE time during the week of May 5-8.  They will compete in Tug-of-War, Dress the Teachers Relay, and many more team games.  At the end of the week (Friday, May 9), we will have our closing ceremonies which consist of water slides, sprinklers, slip-n-slides, games and snacks.  This year we will also give you the opportunity to order a PCElympics t-shirt.  The shirts will be $10 each and will be worn during our closing ceremony celebration. All money and order forms are due by Wednesday, April 8.  Check must be written out to PCES and include driver’s license number and phone number.  Order forms went home today! Please see a coach for more information.

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