Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Timeline Projects

*The following note went home today!* 

Timeline Project
This project is due on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014
It may be turned in early.
**It will be worth a test grade in Social Studies and
a Reading test grade.**

In Reading, we have been studying biographies and timelines.  We are learning about our past, present and future.  For this project, your child needs to make a timeline depicting their life.  There should be one event for each year of their life.  They should start with their birth and proceed with each year thereafter.  Some examples that can be included are birthdays, special vacations, births of siblings, or engaging in something (sports, music or awards).  However, it is not limited to these. 

They are to write the date and above the date they should write something about the event and why it is special.  Students can use actual photographs of these events, draw a picture, or use a picture from a magazine. In other words-be creative! They will have to give an oral presentation to the class explaining their timeline.  (All projects will be returned after they are displayed.)  

For examples of a timeline, please see your Reading Writing Workshop book pages 378-379. Timelines can also be found on pages 70-71 and 108-109 in your student’s social studies book.

See back of sheet for rubric with scoring guidelines.  Make this a fun project for you and your child, a time to share with him/her events that were special to you and to them.  This will be a time to reminisce about the past. They grow up so quickly. 

If you have any questions, please let me know! 

Thanks for all you do! 

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